Being successful with one Small Business is a great accomplishment. Once you have some success, do you focus on your existing business, or challenge yourself to try something new? Joining us today, Henry Lopez is a serial entrepreneur that has bought and sold businesses as well as starting brand new companies. Henry has also expanded into business coaching, and he hosts The How of Business Podcast.
- 00:00:00 Small Business Show #261 for Wednesday, February 5, 2020
- 00:01:19 SPONSOR: Linode. Instantly deploy and manage an SSD server in the Linode Cloud. Get a server running in seconds with your choice of Linux distro, resources, and choice of 10 node locations. Visit and use promo code sbs2019 to start with a $20 credit.
- 00:03:32 Henry Lopez – Entrepreneur and host of The How of Business Podcast
- Trust and Respect in Partnerships
- Tactically: Have the hard conversations up-front!
- Use a Working Agreement
- A Career of Opportunity
- SBS 251 – Shiny Object Syndrome
- SBS 223 – Focus on your subconscious to help you succeed
- Before starting: What is my worst-case scenario if this “fails”?
- When buying: how important are key employees?
- The Coaching Business
- Find Henry at
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